19 Reasons Why My Teeth Suddenly Hurt

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If you are currently suffering from an unexpected toothache, you probably know that this is a common problem. In fact, more than half of adults have suffered from a toothache within the last six months. This is hardly shocking, as about 92 percent of Americans in their 40s and 50s have had the periodontal disease at some point in their lives (as reported by the American Dental Association ). Sixty percent of people continue to have toothache every year.

Your teeth hurt, and you can’t figure out why. It could be a cavity, a chipped tooth, or an infection: Your dentist may be able to treat the problem for you right away! Or maybe they can’t. The good news is that most things that cause your teeth discomfort don’t usually require a visit to the dentist.

Reasons for painful teeth

1. The Daily Grind

Sometimes, even if you don’t feel stressed, you may grind and clench your teeth in your sleep. This can happen if you have a sleep disorder, a crooked bite, or if grind your teeth in your sleep. Ask your dentist to fit you with a night guard if the damage from clenching and grinding is causing you pain in the morning.

Bruxism is a condition characterized by clenching and grinding of teeth during sleep. For some, the condition starts as a minor annoyance before it develops into chronic problems with tooth sensitivity or even pain. A study on bruxism and sleep published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that the condition could be caused by sleep apnea – when you stop breathing in your sleep. Sleep apnea is characterized by periods of interrupted breathing that can cause bruxism.

2. Exposure to heat and/or cold

Tooth sensitivity is caused by what you eat and drink. When certain food and drinks are heated too high or cold too low, your teeth will suddenly feel hot or cold, respectively.

3. Clenching and stress

Clenching your teeth when you are angry or concentrating can be a sign of stress. It can also be an indication that loose and misaligned teeth may be part of the problem. A great remedy for poor dental health is to use unique oral care products, such as toothpaste and mouthwash, that promote a healthy mouth.

4. Overdoing Oral Rinses

Swishing with mouthwash multiple times a day might give you a deep clean. But it could damage your teeth if it has too much acid in the rinses. Some rinses have acids that can eat away at your teeth’ dentin, which is the soft tissue inside your teeth. If you contact a harsh substance or have acidic food, that damage could likely lead to dental problems.

5. Your food intake is Too Acidic

Acidic foods can affect teeth and enamel. The worst offenders are hard candies made from sugar, citrus fruits, coffee, root beer, soda, and candy cigarettes.

6. Abscess

Look out for these warning signs that something is wrong with your tooth. A dental abscess is caused by bacteria building up around the root of a tooth. It’s most commonly a result of a cavity or poorly treated pulpitis; if left untreated, the infected pulp starts trying to drain itself out through the tip of the tooth root. This open wound can cause extreme pain whenever you chew or are tapped on or percussed.

7. Gum recession

The gums are the muscles that surround your teeth. As you age, these muscles become weaker, thinner, and more brittle while your teeth begin to wear down. This condition, called gum recession, is a common problem on both sides of the mouth. Your gums also recede if you eat too hot or spicy (like chili peppers or onions) or if you have poor dental hygiene.

This can be a sign of gum disease. So make sure your dentist treats you if your gums look longer or have pus, sores in your mouth, bad breath, or bleeding. To make sure your oral health is on track, it’s important to see your dentist regularly. Regular visits are recommended for the prevention of gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer.

Everyone has their own worst nightmare. Some are bigger than others, and some are more common than others. For those who fear tooth decay, gum recession is the one that keeps coming up in the nightmares. The reality is that gum recession is real and can be very painful. Reducing sugar in your diet and flossing regularly will help, but take care of your teeth like a pro and invest in teeth whitening to bring them back to their best appearance.

8. Jaw Is Jammed

Uh-oh. Your TMJ is out of whack, and you’re experiencing TMJ symptoms. What can you do to make sure that it doesn’t stop working? If any part of your TMJ isn’t working, it could cause a whole host of side effects. Symptoms may include pain in your mouth or even headaches or migraines.

9. Enamel (dentin) erosion

If you have sensitive teeth, the condition is known as “dentin hypersensitivity,” which can be caused by many different things. However, your teeth feel while you can be affected by your diet, brushing technique, genetics, and many other factors.

The bacteria that live in your mouth can be difficult to get rid of. They thrive on sugar and what you eat and drink. The result is plaque, which results in cavities and gum disease.

10. Sports and training

Studies have shown that endurance training can lead to cavities. After a long training session, your mouth produces more saliva, which ends up changing the friction between the teeth and the enamel. It has also been found that intense exercise causes more significant amounts of saliva production, leading to alterations in dental health.

11. Pregnancy

Every parent knows how important it is to take care of your teeth now, so keep them healthy both before and after you give birth. Brushing and flossing are essential now that you’re about to become a mother. Get to the dentist as soon as you can for checkups and cleanings, and make sure to avoid foods or drinks that could potentially damage your teeth while you’re pregnant.

12. You Throw Up a Lot

Acid reflux can damage your tooth enamel. If you vomit enough, it can even damage your teeth. Acid reflux is a common ailment for pregnant women, chronic alcoholics, and bulimics to have. Another negative thing about throwing up is that it makes you smell bad and get tooth decay. It’s not worth it.

13. Tooth decay (cavity)

Tooth decay is caused by the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. They can linger on the tooth and cause no symptoms. It is important to note that teeth with advanced decay often feel fine, aside from a slight tickling sensation in the area. Pain typically indicates an infection or an abscessed tooth. If you think you have an abscess, you need to see your dentist as soon as possible.

While decay is usually painless at first, it can lead to more serious problems like sensitivity. At this stage, decay has progressed almost to half of the tooth.

14. Cracked tooth or crowns

You are suffering from a severe toothache caused by a broken tooth. The pain you are having may be caused by a broken tooth or crown. If your tooth is damaged, your dentist can repair it. Your dentist may recommend a root canal or crown treatment. These treatments will make your pain and sensitivity go away, and you will be able to chew and typically bite again.

You may have a tiny crack in your tooth that is somewhat uncomfortable but almost invisible to the eye. An experienced dental hygienist can detect this fracture and work to keep you pain-free. An experienced dental hygienist knows exactly how to help you prevent small problems from developing into big ones.

15. Sinus infection

Your tooth pain is a sign that your sinuses are irritated and, therefore, infected. The root cause is likely an infection, so it’s best to see a dentist as soon as possible if you suspect you might have a sinus infection. It’s also possible you have an underlying condition like arthritis that is causing your tooth pain.

16. Dental procedures

If you’ve just had a tooth filling or any other type of work done, you might be feeling a little sensitive at first. It’s perfectly normal. After all, many people experience increased sensitivity after a visit to the dentist – this is known as a “post-treatment hypersensitivity.” While this sensation can last for up to 2 weeks, it will usually dissipate soon after.

17. Sensitive Teeth

Sensitivity is when one of your teeth feels irritated by cold air, liquid, or certain foods. This discomfort occurs when your teeth are exposed to these environmental stimuli. If you find that the sensitivity only occurs in one area, you should see a dentist find out what is irritating.

An exposed tooth root is a recipe for tooth sensitivity. Since teeth are only covered by a thin layer of enamel and cementum, all that is left is exposed dentin. This tissue is susceptible to damage, which leads to tooth sensitivity, especially in children. When the gums recede due to gum disease or heavy brushing, exposed dentin is also exposed, leading to tooth sensitivity.

18. You’ve Brightened Your Smile with Teeth bleaching products

Use whitening products with care. Whitening strips, toothpaste, gels, and other whitening products can cause teeth sensitivity. If you’re using them, do not be surprised if your teeth become sensitive within a few days of using them! It may also be due to some other underlying health problem such as inflamed gums or infection.

Your gums can feel irritated through the whole whitening process.

19. You Don’t Drink Enough Water

Fluoride has a host of benefits for teeth and the body as a whole. Not only does it help clean teeth, but it also reduces the risk of cavities, tooth loss, gingivitis, and breakdown of bones. Studies have shown that fluoride can even increase intelligence in children.

When to see a doctor

If you have not had your teeth professionally cleaned in the last year, you should do so as soon as possible. Regular dental cleanings reduce tooth decay and minimize cavities.

Also, make an appointment with your dentist if you are experiencing pain. If it’s more than the usual toothache (even if it’s just a toothache), make a dental appointment ASAP. Dental appointments may include teeth cleanings, teeth whitening, or other simple treatments. Your dentist may be able to recommend treatment to relieve the discomfort and set the stage for a lifetime of good oral health.

Your dentist may also be able to determine if you need a corrective procedure, such as tooth extraction or a filling for your pain. Not only will he be able to identify problems that need to be treated, but he will also be able to tell you which teeth need to be treated and when.

There are some symptoms that you should never ignore. If you notice any of the following symptoms, see a doctor immediately:

  • toothache that lasts for more than 48 hours
  • throbbing or sharp, aching pain that doesn’t subside
  • migraine or thunderclap headache that extends to your teeth
  • fever that seems to coincide with your toothache


Do you have a painful tooth? Perhaps you suffer from periodontitis or have a toothache as a result. Periodontitis is an inflammation of the gums that can lead to tooth loss. Toothaches can be caused by some communicable diseases and can be associated with tooth decay, gingivitis, or simple gum irritation.

If you notice a sudden and unexplained change in your teeth, such as small gaps in your teeth or severe pain when you eat, it’s time to see the dentist. Teeth that are causing pain should be examined by a professional to rule out more serious possibilities.