How to Reduce Acidity in Your Mouth

Kurt Moens

How to Reduce Acidity in Mouth:

Acidity is a type of disease that you have to deal with several times in your life. The word acidity is directly related to acidity. The food and drinks that you consume have a certain amount of acid that enters your body. The amount of acid should remain normal in your mouth. Otherwise, you may experience the acidity in your mouth. Your daily diet is a major factor that affects the acidity in your body and your mouth.

The acidity in your mouth can be caused by eating something acidic or by acid reflux in your stomach. Acid reflux is also known as GERD or gastroesophageal reflux. In this condition, the acid from your stomach rises into your chest, throat, and eventually into your mouth. This is very damaging to your teeth and overall oral health.

pH Level Chart and Its Effects

The acidity or alkalinity of the mouth is calculated on a pH scale of 1 to 14. When the pH is 7, it is called neutral. When the pH is below 7, it is called acidic, which means the mouth is acidic. And if it is above 7, it is called alkaline. If you have a pH of 14, then it means that your mouth condition is most alkaline. Here we present the pH table and its effects as follows:

pH Level Its Effect
pH 0 Battery Acid
pH 1 Stomach Acid
pH 2 Lemon Juice, Vinegar
pH 3 Orange Juice, Soda, Dental Rinses
pH 4 Tomato Juice, Beer
pH 5 Black Coffee
pH 6 Saliva, Cow’s Milk
pH 7 Pure Water
pH 8 Sea Water, Ph-Neutralizing Dental Rinses
pH 9 Baking Soda
pH 10 Antacids
pH 11 Antacids, Dental Treatment Rinses
pH 12 Soapy Water
pH 13 and pH 14 Very Very High Alkaline

The pH of 7 is neutral, like pure water. An adult human body is about 60 percent water, the heart and brain are 73 percent water, the muscles are 79 percent water, and the teeth are 31 percent water. So it would be best if you kept your pH close to 7 to keep your teeth (oral health) and yourself healthy for a long time.

What is hyperacidity of the mouth?

Sugar is often considered bad for oral health, but acid is just as harmful. When the level of acid in your mouth gets higher, it creates many problems. Such a condition or condition is known as acidosis of the mouth. It is not a life-threatening condition, but you need to pay attention to how you can reduce the acidity in your mouth and maintain your oral health.

Tooth Erosion and hyperacidity in the mouth

Tooth erosion is a type of dental disease that occurs due to various reasons. Acidity in the mouth is one of the causes of tooth erosion. Everyone’s teeth have a protective surface known as enamel. When the acidity in your mouth increases, the enamel gets eroded from your teeth. This condition is known as Tooth Erosion.

When the protective surface on your teeth breaks down, it exposes your teeth and the underlying material called dentin. This makes your teeth ready for an attack by plaque and bacteria. As a result, you get an oral disease called tooth decay.

Causes of acid in the mouth

Acidity in the mouth can be caused in two different ways, namely by the food and drinks you consume during the day and by acid reflux in your stomach. If you have frequent problems with acid reflux, then you need to see your doctor. When acid reflux is cured, it will automatically stop affecting your mouth.

If you don’t have an acid reflux problem, your eating and drinking habits are caused by your mouth’s acidity. Knowingly or unknowingly, you consume acidic foods or drinks, which leads to acidity in your mouth. Here is a list of such foods, drinks, and their effects:

  • Fruit Juice – The Apple, Lemon, Orange, and Cranberry are more acidic fruit juice options.
  • Citric Fruits – Orange, Lemon, and Lime, are three citric fruits containing acid elements.
  • Candy – All sugary sweets are harmful to your teeth and oral health. The sour gummies and candies have acid in them.
  • Sugar – Strangely, sugar does not have much acid in itself, but it’s still harmful because the sugar encourages the growth of acid-creating bacteria.
  • Wine – There are three different wines, i.e., rose, red, and white. Every time you drink wine, it softens (makes soft) your enamel. Enamel is the protective surface on your teeth. So the wine is harmful to your teeth as it has an acid element.

How to put Reduce Acidity in your mouth

Acidity in the mouth is when the amount and level of acid in the mouth are increased. You need to reduce the acid level and save your teeth from the effects of acid. To reduce the acidity in your mouth, you need to take two important steps as mentioned below:

1. clean your teeth and mouth.

When you have acid in your mouth, your teeth get attacked by the acidic element. It is recommended to brush your teeth daily with the best electric toothbrush. It would be best to use the water floss to clean your mouth and remove food debris from between your teeth.

When you consume acidic foods or drinks, your tooth enamel gets softened. Therefore, it is better not to brush your teeth for up to half an hour after having acidic food or drinks. You can rinse your mouth with tap water immediately and brush your teeth only after half an hour.

2. change your diet (food, drinks, etc.)

This is an essential step for you to reduce the acidity in your mouth in an effective way. It would be best to make the following changes to reduce and prevent acidity in the mouth.

  • Reduce the consumption of acidic foods and drinks.
  • Instead of consuming acidic foods on their own, you should consume them with meals, that is, lunch or dinner. When you do this, acidic foods are less likely to contact your teeth as you eat other foods together.
  • After every acidic food or drink, you should drink some water. The water will wash it out of your teeth and reduce the likelihood of acidity in your mouth.
  • When you drink acidic drinks, you should use a straw. It will help you wash down the liquid and reduce the contact of the acid with your teeth.
  • You should reduce your sugar intake and prefer tea or coconut water. You can have sweet drinks that are labeled “sugar-free” to help you cut back. This way, you can reduce the acidity in your mouth and keep yourself orally healthy.
