Difference Between Bridges vs Implants

Kurt Moens

Losing teeth can directly affect your smile. Sometimes it becomes the reason for having less confidence in yourself. So it is better to replace your lost teeth with dental work. It helps you to restore your pretty smile and your self-confidence. But which dental work you will prefer more is an essential factor before replacing lost teeth. So here we are, helping you to know the difference between Dental Bridge and Dental Implant.

When do you need to get a dental bridge or dental implant?

It would be best to get a dental bridge or dental implant only when you lose one or more teeth.

What is a Dental Bridge?

As its name, a bridgework creates a bridge between the healthy teeth and fills the space of losing teeth with a false tooth. To apply the dental bridge, there is no need for any surgery. So it is less painful and less expensive dental work. There are two parts of this dental work: false teeth are known as “Pontics,” and anchoring crown are known as “Abutment teeth.”

Types of Dental Bridges :

There are 4 different types of dental bridges, which are as follows.

1) Traditional Bridge :

This type of bridge is made with either ceramics or porcelain, which is fused to metal. It is used when both sides of lost teeth have healthy teeth or implants for supporting the pontics. The bridges are created with the help of a crown around either healthy teeth or implants, and the pontics have been fitted into the place of lost teeth. Traditional bridges are used more in comparison to the other three bridges.

2) Cantilever Bridges :

The cantilever bridges are not commonly used as the traditional bridges. They are used when there is only one tooth for supporting the pontics at the missing tooth gap. This type of bridge is not recommended at the backside of the mouth.

3) Maryland Bonded Bridges :

The Maryland bonded bridges consist of one false tooth, bonded with a set of wings on either side. Wings have to bond false teeth with other teeth on either side of the lost tooth for putting it in the place of the lost tooth. This type of bridge is also not used as standard as the traditional one.

4) Composite Bridges :

Composite Bridges are very easy to apply in your mouth. It is made of composite bonding material that can directly fit at the place of the lost tooth. The composite bonding material is a plastic tooth filled with material. You must be careful with this type of bridge as it comes with chip quality material used in the plastic tooth. So it would be best if you used a reinforce wire or ribbon to support and give more strength to them.

How do Dental Bridges Work?

When you go for wearing a bridge for the first time, your dentist prepares the nearby teeth. This preparation will remove enamel to create the space for fitting the crown properly on the backside of them. Your dentist will then take the print of your teeth and give it to the dental technician for making crowns, bridges, and pontics. Your dentist makes a temporary bridge to protect your damaged teeth and gums.

On the second visit, your dentist removes the temporary bridge. And then adjust a new metal or porcelain bridge and check it to ensure the proper fitting. You may need to visit your dentist for some duration to check how the metal frameworks.

Suppose you have a fixed bridge; the dentist cements the bridge temporarily for a few weeks to ensure about it. After a few weeks, he will cement your bridge permanently.

Advantages of Dental Bridges :

  • Affordable :

The dental bridges are affordable dental work. The other dental works are more expensive than dental bridges. So this dental work is the best option for the people who can’t afford the other expensive dental works.

  • Simple Method :

To wear a dental bridge, there is a straightforward procedure. Surgery is not required for wearing the dental bridge. So it also has a painless method compared to the other dental works.

  • Cleaning :

You can clean the bridge as the other teeth while brushing your teeth. It doesn’t need to remove while cleaning teeth as other teeth or implants supported it.

Disadvantages of Dental Bridges :

  • Unpleasant :

The dental bridges are unpleasant because of their outer look. It doesn’t seem like the real-one tooth.

  • Replacement

Dental Bridges should need to change after some of the years. They should be changed in every 5-7 year duration.

  • Damage the Natural Teeth :

The nearby tooth goes through a lot of preparations. It removes a considerable amount of tooth surface from nearby teeth. So in the future, it may result in tooth decay.

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What is Dental Implant?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is made of titanium. It helps the implant to connect with the jawbone and supports a crown. After inserting the implant, dentists start the surgery. And then fuse it in the jawbone. When the fusing procedure completes, the dentist joints the abutment tooth into the post frame.

Types of Dental Implants :

There are mainly two types of Dental Implant, which are as follows.

1) Endosteal Implants :

This type of implant is most commonly used. They are shaped like a small screw. To apply these implants, you need to go through three surgeries. Implants are directly implanted into the jawbone during the first surgery. In the second surgery, the post is connected first to the implant, when gum tissue will heal. And in the last surgery, the artificial tooth is put on the post.

2) Subperiosteal Implants :

The Subperiosteal implants are placed under the gums and either on or above of jawbone. This type of implant is useful for those people who have not enough healthy jawbone. The dentists fit the metal frame on the jawbone and below the gum tissue while applying these implants. The frame becomes fixed to the jawbone as the gums will heal. And then, the artificial tooth is attached to the post.

How do Dental Implants Work?

You are required to pass through oral surgery for wearing dental implants. During the surgery, your dentist will drill a small hole in your jawbone. And then carefully screw the base into the bone. Then the dentist will place your gum over the implant for quick healing of it.

After healing of gums, you need a second surgery to fit the connector at the implant’s top. Finally, the crown is placed at the top of the connector using a small screw and special dental cement.

Advantages of Dental Implants :

  • Natural Looking :

Dental implants look like natural teeth. They are strong enough and stable at their place.

  • No Effect on Other Teeth :

It does not affect other teeth. So there is no matter for worrying about tooth decay or any other problems occur in the future.

  • Protect Your Jawbone :

Dental implants stimulate the natural growth of bones and prevent bone loss. Otherwise, the open space in the missing tooth’s place will result in damage to the jawbone.

  • No Strain on Teeth :

The dental implants don’t need any support like the bridges. So the other healthy teeth can stay without any strain.

Disadvantages of Dental Implants :

  • Surgery :

To apply the dental implants in a lost tooth, you need to pass through the surgery. Without any surgery, it is impossible to wear dental implants.

  • Time Consuming Method :

It needs time to fit correctly at the place of the missing tooth. It takes a time minimum of 3-6 months.

  • Expensive :

Dental implants are also expensive to apply to a lost tooth as they have to pass through the surgery for wearing the implants.

Difference Between Dental Bridges and Dental Implants :

Here, we are discussing the differences between the Dental Bridges and Dental Implants. They are given as follows :

No. Points Dental Bridges Dental Implants
1 Lasting period Bridges can last for a period of 5-7 years. Implants can last for more than 15 years.
2 Effect on Dental Health They will be the cause of tooth decay in the future. They will not affect oral health.
3 Procedure Time The bridge takes 2-3 weeks to fit properly at the place of the lost tooth. The implant takes 3-6 months to fit properly at the place of the missing tooth.
4 Price They are less expensive compared to other dental work. They are more expensive compared to dental bridges.
5 Appearance Dental bridges cannot look like natural teeth. Dental Implants look like natural teeth.

Final Words :

After reading this article, you can see the difference between dental bridges and dental implants. We hope that this article will help you decide which one is the best dental work for you. But it is necessary to consult with your dentist about which is preferable dental work for your oral health.
